Medicinske nalepke
Naše medicinske in zdravstvene nalepke po meri so zasnovane tako, da vam omogočajo enostaven način izdelave etiket po meri za vašo zdravniško prakso.
Medicinske oznake po meri za manj
At RYLabels, we produce high quality custom medical labels for your healtchare organization’s needs. In this category you will find customizable medical labels in standard sizes and colors with black print customization. This allows us to offer you customization at rock bottom prices.
Naše medicinske oznake pomagajo vaši bolnišnici ali zdravniški/zobozdravniški praksi ...
1. dokumentirati in označiti zdravstvena stanja ali določiti recepte
2. opozoriti na značilnosti diagnostičnega slikovnega filma
3. urediti zdravstvene kartoteke
4. zavarovalnicam in pacientom sporočite pomembne podatke za obračun
Oznake bolnišničnega razreda od RYLabels help healthcare providers accurately and efficiently identify medication, charts, specimens, patient information, equipment, x-rays, and so much more. Our labeling solutions help meet critical Joint Commission regulatory requirements and National Patient Safety Goals to use medication safely, improve staff communication, identify patients correctly, prevent infection, and prevent mistakes in surgery. From brightly colored, pre-printed communication labels to system labels, our labels connect the patient care process in admissions, laboratory, pharmacy, OR, ER, ICU, radiology and throughout the continuum of care. RYLabels laser and thermal printable labels are compatible with the leading EMR, LIS, PIS, and other hospital systems.
Medicinske nalepke so majhen, a zelo pomemben del vodenja evidenc v zdravstvu. V hitrem medicinskem okolju sporočajo dosledna in nedvoumna sporočila. Pomagajo pri preprečevanju napak, ki ogrožajo življenje. Pomagajo pri pospeševanju zbiranja računov tako za zavarovalnice kot za paciente.